- ZSK USB FLOPPY EMULATOR - Floppy Disk - USB Drives Usage On ZSK Machines
USB replaces Floppy Disc Drive
Upgrade MSCD-, MSCA- and MSCC Control
One floppy disk drive of a MSCD-, MSCA- or MSCC-Controller will be exchanged by a new ZSK developed USB adapter. This adapter now enables loading designdata via an USB stick
- It is possible to save up to 100 floppy discs on the USB stick
- Each floppy disc / file can save 64 designs
- You can work simultaneously in the second drive with old DD fl oppy discs
- It is possible to import DST and DSZ stitch data formats
Note: The floppy disk notation must be marked from 00ZSK to 99ZSK.
MSCD control
To use the hardware of the USB adapter, the latest version of the MSCD control software, available on 5 EPROMs, is also required. These E-Proms must be purchased separately.